There are two way to call Jira remote API.
- JIRA SOAP Client
- JIRA SOAP Client
- Get all Jenkins environment values
- Get all Jira issue key value(s) from source control(git) change log
- Query all proper Jira issue based on the issue keys and status
- Add new Jira version if it is not exist yet
- Change the Jira issue's status
- Apply the Jira version onto all the Jira issues
- Comment proper information with the Jira version, deploy (Test, Staging, Live) environment and executor's name on the Jira issues
import hudson.model.* import com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client.* def thr = Thread.currentThread() def build = thr?.executable def vars = build.getEnvVars() def txt = new File("${vars['WORKSPACE']}/../../jobs/${vars['JOB_NAME']}/builds/${vars['BUILD_ID']}/changelog.xml").getText() def ids = [] def match = txt =~ /(\w+-\d+)/ match.each { ids << it[0] } def exitWarning() { println 'Warning: There is no jira # in commit comment' build.setResult(hudson.model.Result.UNSTABLE) build.executor.interrupt(hudson.model.Result.UNSTABLE) } if(ids.size() == 0) { exitWarning() return } def strVersion = "${vars['MajorVersion']}.${vars['MinorVersion']}.${vars['BUILD_NUMBER']}-Dev" JiraSoapServiceServiceLocator jiraSoapServiceLocator = new JiraSoapServiceServiceLocator(); def jiraSoapService = jiraSoapServiceLocator.getJirasoapserviceV2(new URL('https://****/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2')); String token = jiraSoapService.login('****', '****'); def issues = jiraSoapService.getIssuesFromJqlSearch(token, "project=${vars['jiraProjectKey']} and issuekey in (${ids.join(', ')}) and status in ('Open', 'In Progress', 'Dev Open')", 20) println "Jira Issues # : " + issues.size() if(issues.size() == 0) { exitWarning() return } println "Jira Project Key : " + vars['jiraProjectKey'] RemoteVersion version try { RemoteVersion _version = new RemoteVersion() _version.setName(strVersion) version = jiraSoapService.addVersion(token, vars['jiraProjectKey'], _version) } catch(e) { version = jiraSoapService.getVersions(token, vars['jiraProjectKey']).toList().find{ it.getName() == strVersion} } String[] resolutions = ["10"] // develop complete for (RemoteIssue issue : issues) { println issue.getKey() def actions = jiraSoapService.getAvailableActions(token, issue.getKey() ); def startAction = actions.find{ it.getName() == 'Start Progress' } if(startAction) { jiraSoapService.progressWorkflowAction(token, issue.getKey(), startAction.getId()); } //def pushToTestAction = actions.find{ it.getName() == 'Push to Test' } //if(pushToTestAction) { jiraSoapService.progressWorkflowAction(token, issue.getKey(), "41"); // push to test //} def vals = new ArrayList
Here is a way to get issues by using Jira query.() /* def assignee = issue.getAssignee() def reporter = issue.getReporter() if(assignee != reporter) { println assignee vals.add( new RemoteFieldValue("assignee", [ reporter ].toArray(new String[1]) ) ) }*/ def versions = issue.getFixVersions().toList() if(!versions.contains(version)) { /* RemoteVersion[] vers = versions.toArray(new RemoteVersion[versions.size()]) println vers.size() issue.setFixVersions( vers )*/ versions.push(version) //String[] a = [ version.getId() ] def al = new ArrayList () //a.toList() versions.each{ al.add(it.getId()) } vals.add(new RemoteFieldValue("fixVersions", al.toArray(new String[al.size()]) ) ) } if(vals.size() > 0) { println vals.first().getValues()[0] //RemoteFieldValue[] vals = [ new RemoteFieldValue("fixVersions", al.toArray(new String[al.size()]) ) ] jiraSoapService.updateIssue(token, issue.getKey(), vals.toArray(new RemoteFieldValue[vals.size()]) ) } RemoteComment comment = new RemoteComment() comment.setBody("Update has been applied to ${vars['deploy_target']} environment with version # (${strVersion}) by ${vars['userName']}.\r\nPlease verify it.") jiraSoapService.addComment(token, issue.getKey(), comment); } import com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client.* JiraSoapServiceServiceLocator jiraSoapServiceLocator = new JiraSoapServiceServiceLocator(); def jiraSoapService = jiraSoapServiceLocator.getJirasoapserviceV2( new URL('https://[jira web domain]/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2')); String token = jiraSoapService.login('[jenkins-id]', '[jenkins-password]'); def issues = jiraSoapService.getIssuesFromJqlSearch(token, "project=KEY", 1) issues.each{ println it.getName() }
Add new Jira Versiondef strVersion = "1.0.0" RemoteVersion version try { RemoteVersion _version = new RemoteVersion() _version.setName(strVersion) version = jiraSoapService.addVersion(token, "PROJECTKEY", _version) } catch(e) { version = jiraSoapService.getVersions(token, "PROJECTKEY").toList().find{ it.getName() == strVersion} }
Change Jira issue Statusdef actions = jiraSoapService.getAvailableActions(token, issue.getKey() ); def startAction = actions.find{ it.getName() == 'Start Progress' } if(startAction) { // if it hasn't been started, push it to in progress status. jiraSoapService.progressWorkflowAction(token, issue.getKey(), startAction.getId()); } //def pushToTestAction = actions.find{ it.getName() == 'Push to Test' } //if(pushToTestAction) { jiraSoapService.progressWorkflowAction(token, issue.getKey(), "41"); // 41 is "Push to Test" action(transition) number.
First of all, I've defined below function with credential infoimport hudson.model.* import com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client.* //import groovy.json.JsonSlurper // jira rest api def urlRoot = "" def userName = "jenkins_id" def password = "password" addr = "${urlRoot}/rest/api/2/" authString = "${userName}:${password}".getBytes().encodeBase64().toString() def requestJSON(method, url) { def conn = (addr + url).toURL().openConnection() conn.setRequestMethod(method) if(authString.length() > 0) { conn.setRequestProperty( "Authorization", "Basic ${authString}" ) } conn.connect() if( conn.responseCode == 200 ) { return conn.content.text } else if(method == "GET") { println "Something bad happened." println "${conn.responseCode}: ${conn.responseMessage}" } return "" }
After then, i could call any Jira REST API easily as below - delete all Jira version which is applied on an issue.def versions = issue.getFixVersions().toList() .findAll{ it.getName() ==~ /.+[Dev]/ } for(RemoteVersion ver : versions) { println "delete a develop version (${ver.getName()})" requestJSON("DELETE", "version/${ver.getId()}") // jira rest api }
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